About Me
Shopping: How to Find a Bargain

Hey! My name is Robin and I have always loved to shop. When I was a kid, my grandma would take me shopping and she would explain how to look around a store so you can find the best bargains. When I grew up and moved away from home, I started to visit shops on my own. One day, when I was walking around a high-class store, a personal shopper agreed to help me out and he taught me so much about how to shop. I hope you like my blog and that it helps you to find a bargain.


The Importance of Professional Microphones

6 March 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Quite simply, the microphone converts sound into an electrical signal, amplifying it for all to hear. There are hundreds of professional microphones out there; this makes it difficult for the average person to sort out the type of microphone they require. In the simplest form, there should be three things that one should brush up on before selecting the microphone best suited to their need. These are: The types of professional microphones Which instruments they are used for recording The best brands available (And is it worth spending money on higher end brands? Read More …

Factors to Consider Before Buying Your First Bondage Restraints

10 January 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Since the Fifty Shades of Grey era began, the use of bondage restraints has become more popular amongst couples worldwide. If you're considering adding soft bondage to your bedroom activities, there are a few factors you should consider before making a purchase. Discussing bondage restraints with your partner While some may accept the use of bondage restraints as a sensual surprise, others prefer a little warning. If you're in a healthy long-term relationship, raising the use of any device in the bedroom shouldn't be an issue. Read More …

Identifying and Protecting Sentimental Keepsakes Before a House Clearance

10 January 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

When a close relative passes away, there's often so much to organise and do that it barely feels as if you have time to grieve. It's one of the most stressful, upsetting things you can experience, so any extra help you can get is invaluable. One of the things that sometimes makes it all more difficult is when the person who died was the last of their household. This often means the property will be sold, which in turn means it needs to be emptied. Read More …