Two shopping suggestions for those who love vintage items

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Shopping: How to Find a Bargain

Hey! My name is Robin and I have always loved to shop. When I was a kid, my grandma would take me shopping and she would explain how to look around a store so you can find the best bargains. When I grew up and moved away from home, I started to visit shops on my own. One day, when I was walking around a high-class store, a personal shopper agreed to help me out and he taught me so much about how to shop. I hope you like my blog and that it helps you to find a bargain.


Two shopping suggestions for those who love vintage items

14 June 2021
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you have recently developed a love for vintage clothes and homeware, here are some shopping suggestions you might find helpful.

1. Commit to going to deceased estate clearance events regularly 

One of the best places to find interesting and gorgeous vintage pieces is at a deceased estate clearance; this is an event at which the living relatives of a deceased person sell that individual's belongings. In instances where the person in question was quite old and kept many items from their youth, or where they themselves had a love of vintage things, there is often a plethora of amazing vintage household items, clothes, footwear and tools available for sale.

However, vintage shopping is not the same as shopping for new items, in that you won't always be able to immediately find the specific item you want to buy right away. As such, participate in deceased estate clearance events fairly regularly and rummaging through the things that are for sale. If you do this a few times a month, you'll increase the chances of finding, for example, the vintage 50s dress or Tiffany lamp you are looking for. Spending time at these events regularly will also help you to learn about vintage and antique items, and help you to get better at quickly spotting those special vintage pieces after just having a glance at the collection of items that are being sold.

2. Don't make visiting vintage shops your top priority when shopping

Whilst it might sound strange, it's best not to prioritise visiting vintage shops when you go hunting for vintage items. Instead, you should focus on going to the aforementioned decreased estate clearance events, as well as to op-shops. The reason for this is as follows; many vintage shop owners source their items from estate clearance events and op-shops for very little and then mark up the prices of these items when they sell them in their own shops.

As such, although you might be able to find the items you want just as easily at a dedicated vintage shop as you would at an op-shop or estate clearance event, you'll probably end up paying much more for them if you get them from the former. If you're willing to do some rummaging through mixed collections of items, containing both vintage and non-vintage items, at estate clearance events and op-shops, you'll stand a far better chance of finding vintage bargains and will, therefore, be able to afford to buy more of these items.